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PIMENT DOUX Plus Face Whitening Cream – (1x)


Piment Doux Plus is an exfoliating pigment erasing solution; suitable for the use of whitening dark pigmentation on Knuckles, Feet, Knees and Elbow.

6 in stock



1 Face Cream


Pigment Doux is a face care cream with fruits acids and whitening complex, which is developed to whiten, moisturise and purify your skin. It is also enriched with vitamin A and E to protect and promote face/skin care; hence, protect your youthfulness, soften, refreshes and make your face look young, spotless and beautiful.

Piment Doux is also an exfoliating pigment erasing solution; use for the whitening of dark pigmentation of the skin. Particularly, Knuckles, Feet, Knees and Elbow.

For a perfect outcome, use in combination with the serum. This hydrates the skin, while the lotion when use, exfoliates, peels off rough and tough layers of the skin, giving you a radiant complexion, smooth and glowing.

For that natural QUICK action Skin Toning, go for PIMENT DOUX


DIRECTION FOR USE: – Apply on dark spots on hands or feet, wait a couple of minutes till it is absorbed and then moisturise your hands with the serum.

We also ship to Europe and America. Open all day. Track and trace order/orders.
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PIMENT DOUX Plus Face Whitening Cream - (1x)
PIMENT DOUX Plus Face Whitening Cream - (1x)
