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Sunblock Face Whitening Cream With Carrot Extracts, UVA & UVB. – 30ml (1X)

£ 7.99

Sunblock Face Whitening Cream With Carrot Extracts, UVA, UVB

1 Face cream of 30ml

Sunblock Face Whitening cream with Carrot Extract, UVA, UVB, BSC in a maxi effect is a concentrated formula with exfoliating pigment erasing solution in it.  This is suitable for the use of whitening dark pigmentation on Knuckles, Feet, Knees and Elbow.

10 in stock


Sunblock Face Whitening Cream With Carrot Extracts, UVA & UVB.

Dark Spot Remover
Excellent Lightener
Universal Spot corrector
1 Face Cream – 30g

Sunblock face cream with carrots, fruits acids, UVA, UVB and whitening complex, which is developed to whiten, moisturise and purify your skin. It is also enriched with vitamin A and E to protect and promote face/skin care; hence, protect your youthfulness, soften, refreshes and make your face look young, spotless and beautiful.

Sunblock face cream is also an exfoliating pigment erasing solution; use for the whitening of dark pigmentation of the skin. Particularly, Knuckles, Feet, Knees and Elbow.

For a perfect outcome, use in combination with the serum. This hydrates the skin, while the lotion when use, exfoliates, peels off rough and tough layers of the skin, giving you a radiant complexion, smooth and glowing.

For that natural QUICK action Skin Toning, go for SUNBLOCK FACE CREAM.


DIRECTION FOR USE: – Apply on dark spots on hands or feet, wait a couple of minutes till it is absorbed and then moisturise your hands with the serum.


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Sunblock Face Whitening Cream With Carrot Extracts, UVA & UVB. - 30ml (1X)

£ 7.99